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K9 Harley

End of Watch


We have an angel 👼 amongst us. An angel who was taken too soon for reasons we will never understand but the time she had on this earth was full of love and a mission.

K9 Harley fought the urge to wag her tail at the sight of everything. Harley and her Battle Buddy Lauren were an amazing team and inspiration. Harley… aka Wiggle Butt was an icon of a service dog.


Harley was only a few years old but in those years she had a warm and loving home that surrounded her. Harley was also a big part of the warmth in the home. Harley was well traveled and couldn’t get enough of her mom, dad, and grandparents.

Harley’s home is missing her but the love is strong and the memories are happy.

Run free at the Rainbow Bridge until we meet again sweet girl.

🌈 🐶 👼

K9 Harley
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