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Casey and K-9 Oreo

K-9 Oreo

Born and raised in the heart of western Minnesota, I have always been drawn to a life of service. At the age of 17, I enlisted in the Minnesota National Guard, eager to contribute to my community and beyond. My military journey took me to Iraq in 2008-2009 and again in 2011-2012, where I proudly served in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the closing of the Iraqi border. These deployments, while fulfilling, also took their toll, leaving me with anxiety and other medical issues.
Despite these challenges, my desire to serve never wavered. In 2014, I joined the local fire department, drawn to the camaraderie and the opportunity to continue making a positive impact. The fire department has become my second family, providing me with a sense of purpose and the chance to assist others in their times of need.
Throughout my 15-plus years of military service and my ongoing commitment to firefighting, I have learned the true meaning of resilience and perseverance. I am excited to embark on this new chapter with Soldiers 6, a companion that will not only help me manage my anxiety but also enable me to better support my fellow firefighters and victims during challenging fire scenes.

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